Spyhackerz.org (İslam-i İndex) (1 Viewer)

May 6, 2018
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<title>hacked by spyhackerz.org | op_israel Turkey</title>

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<img src="http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/sites/default/files/styles/aljazeera_article_main_image/public/2014/02/12/srail%20-%20%C3%A7ocuk%20-%20main%20%5BReuters%5D.jpg?itok=eVBMV6Mm" alt="nethunt3r" height="200" width="250">

<p class="style1">Hacked by Spyhackerz.Org</p>


<p class="style2">Freedom
<span class="style3">for </span>
<span class="style4">Palestine </span>
<span class="style5"> and </span>
<span class="style6">free </span>
<span class="style4">Gaza!</span></p>

<p class="style7">Türkçe:</p>

<p class="style8">
"Öyle ki Yahudiler taşların ve ağaçların arkasına saklanacak ama ağaç ve taş dile gelerek 'Ya Müslim! Ey Allah (c.c.) kulu!
<br>Gel, bak benim arkamda Yahudi var, buraya gizlendi, benim arkamda, gel onu cezalandır.' diyecek.
<br>Sadece 'Gargat Ağacı' bunu söylemeyecek, çünkü o Yahudi ağacıdır."
<br>(Kitab-ul-Fiten H. 2239)</p>

<p class="style7">English:</p>

<p class="style8">
"So much so that the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, but the tree and the stone came to language 'Ya Muslim! O God (C. C.) soul!
<br>Come and see Jew behind me, there are hidden here, behind me, come and punish him. 'to say.
<br>The only 'Gargat Tree' say it, because she Jewish tree."
<br>(Kitab-ul-Fiten H. 2239)</p>

<p class="style9">All Muslim Hackers</p>

<p class="style10">Spyhackerz.Org
<br>Turkey / Spyhackerz Group</p>




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