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Defacer değil Lamer
Dec 29, 2018
Rating - 0%
Ben By Root
Sanalı internet yüzünden bırakmıştım.İnternet geldi ve internet yokken can sıkıntısından index kodladım buyurun.

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<center> <img src=""/></center>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="red"><h1>Hacked By Root</h1></font>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="white"><h1>Turkish Hackers,your security is too weak.We work for the homeland.The Turks will not die.America's persecution will ruin the world.The Turks will save the world from the persecution.
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                <h2>HACKED BY ROOT</h2>

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Defacer değil Lamer
Dec 29, 2018
Rating - 0%
Ben By Root
Sanalı internet yüzünden bırakmıştım.İnternet geldi ve internet yokken can sıkıntısından index kodladım buyurun.

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<center> <img src=""/></center>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="red"><h1>Hacked By Root</h1></font>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="white"><h1>Turkish Hackers,your security is too weak.We work for the homeland.The Turks will not die.America's persecution will ruin the world.The Turks will save the world from the persecution.
    <div id="notfound">
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                <h2>HACKED BY ROOT</h2>

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eyw <3


Feb 10, 2019
Rating - 0%
Eline Sağlık Hocam
Edit : Hacklediğim bir siteye senin için koyucam ufak düzelttim kendime göre Çok güzel çalışma :)
Last edited:
Feb 9, 2019
Rating - 0%
Ben By Root
Sanalı internet yüzünden bırakmıştım.İnternet geldi ve internet yokken can sıkıntısından index kodladım buyurun.

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<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="red"><h1>Hacked By Root</h1></font>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="white"><h1>Turkish Hackers,your security is too weak.We work for the homeland.The Turks will not die.America's persecution will ruin the world.The Turks will save the world from the persecution.
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                <h2>HACKED BY ROOT</h2>

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Feb 22, 2019
Rating - 0%
Ben By Root
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<center> <img src=""/></center>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="red"><h1>Hacked By Root</h1></font>
<font face="tahoma" size="5" color="white"><h1>Turkish Hackers,your security is too weak.We work for the homeland.The Turks will not die.America's persecution will ruin the world.The Turks will save the world from the persecution.
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